Friday, October 16, 2009

How to Print the Employee Static Information?

Question: How to Print the Employee Static Information from the SSS (Social Security System)?

  1. Follow the instructions given on my post "How to get my SSS static information"
  2. You can save it as PDF file.
  3. Open it using the Adobe reader.
  4. Print it if you have printer. If you don't have printer, you need to bring it into the internet cafe and there you can have it in print.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Get My SSS Static Information?

  1. How can I get my SSS static information?
  2. How to get SSS employee static information?
  3. How can I view my SSS static information?
  4. How to get Static Information from SSS?
  1. You need to register at the SSS Official website at or if you are registered already, just login at
  2. Once you are already viewing your own SSS account page, just choose from the menus to show your "Employee Static Information."
If you are wondering how you can get the SBR Number, just click here.